To do this weekend....

Thought I would record what is on my mind to accomplish this weekend.

-connect with Lydia
-rake some leaves
-start some Christmas baking
-find slim pants for Lydia
-clean the bathroom
-grade a big stack of papers
-work on the church Christmas program
-lots of laundry
-celebrate birthdays
-practice the fiddle
-grocery planning
-try to exercise Andy and the dog
-take at least three carloads to Et Cetera
-re-read Unconditional Parenting
-blog about something
-watch "Shut up and sing"
-call my mentee

Wish me luck!


Karin said...

So...are you going to report back after the weekend?? That looks like an ambitious list! I'm tired just looking at it!

gwama said...

well......I move more slowly than you do. I'm going to: bake 3 pies (oh! Jen! I think I found the blueberry pie recipie we were looking for this summer!) cut up some vegies, work on my xxx picture, unpack the activity boxes from last week, and, maybe. do a little laundry. Oh, yes, make, or at least start tomorrow's soup. Whew! I'd better get started, eh?

Dad is at Men's Retreat, so I won't be cooking meals. Maybe it's a good time to get another batch of Christmas cookies in the freezer.......Spent yesterday wondering around AA.

kristin said...

it's saturday morning...can you cross anything off yet?

breathe deep, friend!

kclblogs said...

check! you blogged!