To do this weekend....Sat night update

I am feeling quite sick, so moved slower than expected and had a longer than usual gathering with friends in the morning. So here is an update on my progress....

-connect with Lydia
Aaron did this-rake some leaves
-start some Christmas baking
Done, thanks to Alco-find slim pants for Lydia
-clean the bathroom
-grade a big stack of papers
Yes, a few phone calls-work on the church Christmas program
Making a dent on this project-lots of laundry
Done-celebrate birthdays
Done-practice the fiddle
Done-grocery planning
Done-try to exercise Andy and the dog
Well, I took one-take at least three carloads to Et Cetera
-re-read Unconditional Parenting
Done-blog about something
Coming later this evening-watch "Shut up and sing"
-call my mentee


kristin said...

way to go, way to go...and sorry you aren't feeling well...

Karin said...

Should I know what "Shut up and sing" is??

Anonymous said...

You did all this while you're SICK? I used to be so happy to do one load of laundry in the little-kid years! love, Wendy