what I love about my job....

the view from my classroom window at the very tip-top of the ad building

church bells accompanying my walk to work

sharp pencils

the feel of a warm, crisp, freshly-copied syllabus

really good coffee, any time I want it

kindness, friendship, support, and determination from our administrative assistant

reading...so much...and trying to understand

helping college students find direction

knowing my ancestors walked the same paths to teach here

three ring binders

friendly colleagues

more church bells at noon

books, and books, and books, and books

sharing this space with Aaron

the "quiet library"

reading the Kansan for free

being home for the kids when they need me

what do you love about your job?


gwama said...

Jen - this is beautiful. You are a poet in the way you see life. It is beautiful. You made, of course, me cry.

Christine E. said...

I love that you love your job. It makes me really happy to know that you find such fulfillment in it. What do I love about my job? So many of the things you mentioned. My favorite part is recognizing that I have as much to learn from my students as they have to learn from me.

Karin said...

That sounds great. It's a good reminder that I should make that kind of list more often. It's easy to feel like work is "the grind". I sometimes forget to be grateful for meaningful employment.

kristin said...

right now i want your job.

again, your amazing ability to be generous with celebrating the good things around you.

funny, what i miss in my job are the very things you love about yours. hmmmmmm.

what i love?


seeing a child's eyes light up with new learning

taking my own kids with me

touching and holding old people

having the honor to make little ones feel safe and grounded


thank you for this.

Danelle said...

What I love about my job.
Listening to music while I work
Alone time
Good pay
Satisfaction that someone will have a clean house when they get home (even though it's not me)

Your job sounds dreamy!!

AnnaMarie said...

Mmmm... I love your job, too! Good coffee? AT WORK!? Unheard of!

What do I love about my job?

Most things

but today

the call at 7:30 from my boss saying

"It's Friday. Stay home. Make sure Sophie is better."

Few things in life can beat that.

Beverly said...

There are many things I would love about your job, Jen, especially the coffee, the Ad building, and walking where ancestors walked. Wow. At my job I like walking through the lunch line and taking two packs of "wheat" crackers and 2 cubes of pepperjack cheese (along with lots of other things). I like singing to elders hovering at the border between death and new life. I like shaking hands at the end of Wednesday afternoon worship. I like coming home Thursday evening knowing I don't go back for five days!!!!!!!!

Yo Kauffman said...

Thanks for the invitation to reflect so concretely...what I love about my job includes: witnessing and experiencing personal growth, hopeful change, emotional vulnerability, respectful confrontation, raw honesty, supportive teamwork and facinating group process.

Bonita said...

First of all, I'm glad I finally found your blog. I love your recent postings and am so happy for you that you have all those wonderful things to love about your job.

In my job, I love:

that it's only part-time (although that is also the worst part)

playing with babies

when I can tell a parent, "Your child is doing great! I don't have any concerns."

when I've worked really hard to get the very best from a child...and it works

coworkers who make me laugh