Oh, how I love my boy!

Eight years ago today Andy entered our lives. We were so proud of the ways we birthed him, we felt strong, and we celebrated!

He has always been a beautiful child, especially in the days with the long soft curls. I can still smell them.

He is strong, He is creative. He is sensitive. He is passionate. He loves the outdoors. He has my Mother's eyes.

And the reason he is "Andy" is because he shares this birthday with our dear "Big Andy," who we love very much, and has always been a mentor to our "little Andy."

I wish him the best in all of his life endeavors!

This morning, when I was holding him close in bed, I asked him, "Andy, will you ALWAYS be my dear sweet, strong, loving boy?" And he answered in true eight-year-old fashion with a loud "DUH!"


gwama said...

What a wonderful gift you are, Jen, to Andy. Thank YOU for being such an amazing Mama!

AnnaMarie said...

Happy Birthday, Andy! I can't wait to meet you!!

Jen, what a beautiful post!

Karin said...

It's great to see his baby picture. We were still living in Bosnia when he was born and totally missed that part of his life. What a sweet baby and a sweet 8-year-old boy!

kclblogs said...

love that boy! have a very happy birthday, little Andy!!

Claire said...

I seriously was JUST thinking "Isn't it Andy's b-day soon?" I knew it was sometime around now, like February/March-ish. I think I helped watch Lydia for a few hours while you were still in labor at home. I was so glad to be around and am always amazed at how BIG he is when I see pictures! I still picture him as a 2-year old with chocolate pudding all over him before I left for DC, though... just one of those things, I guess.

Happy birthday, sweet Andy!

Claire said...

(ummm... what's the recipe for that frosting in that cake?) :)

kristin said...

o, dear child, i remember your coming and i am honored to watch you continue on.

andy, i am counting on you teaching me to play the mandolin.

the cake is beautiful.

Danelle said...

Hey! Andy shares a birthday with Tim. Tim turned 40 today. And..it's cool, Tim also shares his birthday with his mom. What a special day for many.
Andy is a sweet boy. Happy birthday!!

Jen said...

This is the cake recipe I used. It was fabulous! I put a darker chocolate frosting on the top, so the M & Ms would show up better....
