Last night......

I was doing all of this AT THE SAME TIME

cooking dinner
calling out finger numbers for Andy to play Perpetual Motion on his mandolin
listening to his recorded lesson to find his next mandolin song, Soldier Boy
telling Abby how to spell "Ardy"
giving instructions to Lydia on how to grease up her recorder joints
making sure the dog had nothing in her mouth
setting the table

It must have sounded like this....

"AA112222-no, the cork grease in the black case-D is like a line down with the ends curved together-22AA111133112222I think this is the right song-remember, shake your hand like flicking water-JOSIE-NO, MINE!-yes, Lydia, A is two fingers-EE2233EE11223333-(soup is boiling now)-yes, a Y like your Y-like the beginning now, AA112222, 11223333- (are we already out of spoons?)-Oh, Abby, your Ukelele is on the wall-Dchord?1onE,2onG, all second fret-Andy, let's finish perpetual motion first, then Old McDonald-2233EE223311EEEE-nice work, everybody."

Normally, this would stress me out, but thanks to the miracle of fish oil, I am almost proud that I got through it alive! Man, I have mastered multitasking! Aaron came home shortly after that, and intervened, taking some of the pressure off!


Danelle said...

The finger numbers alone got me confused!!

Jan said...

This is hilarious! Somehow it sounds familiar.

Karin said...

Jen, I can totally picture this and you SHINE in the midst of it all!

kclblogs said...

how creative you are!

just think of how your mommy brain is growing (have you read that book yet?)

Claire said...

This sounds like a MUCH more complex kind of conversation that I would have with your mother while she knits.

"So, I went to take Holly for a-wait-(counting VERY quickly in a whisper) 43,44,45,46,47,48- and she saw a squirrel and took off!"

I'm sure you've had MANY of those, too. :)

Jen said...

You are so right, Claire!

kristin said...

oh, i love this!

and i love you!

AnnaMarie said...

That makes my pride in nursing and knitting multitasking seem a little bit less triumphant.
