Happy Birthday, Wendy

Oh, how I love my big sister.

Today she is 38 years old.

When I was younger, she always did my hair. Sometimes because I wanted it done a certain way and sometimes just to keep her occupied in the car. When I was even younger (3? 4?) she took my friends and me on fairy hunts in magical places all over town. She wrote musicals for us and hosted doll fairs.

For many years, she sang me to sleep at night with her guitar. This happened so frequently that when she moved away to college I could not sleep, so she made me a tape to play of her singing to me.

When we woke up in the night and were scared, we all went to Wendy's bed, which was the warmest bed in the house.

She has taught me how to be a feminist, how to parent, how to sing, how to be real.

Thank you, sweet sister for all these lovely memories. I continue to be blessed by your presence in my life!


kclblogs said...

yes, yes, and . . . yes.

AnnaMarie said...

Happy Birthday, Wendy! And Jen! YAY!!!!!!!! You're blogging - and I get to see the beautiful faces of your CHILDREN!!!!