Newton Storm Strikers

We had Andy's last soccer game this weekend. Aaron has been coaching these 8 boys all year long, and it has been so much fun to cheer for them and celebrate with them. Aaron is a phenomenal coach, and has made a huge difference in these boys game as well as making a connection with each of them. The best part is the end when the whole team gives all the spectators a high matter what the outcome!


AnnaMarie said...

I've missed your posts. Good to have you back!

Can't wait to see you in September!

Beverly said...

I second what you've said about Aaron being a great soccer coach! Thank you both for the many ways you contribute to community well being by sharing of yourselves.

Danelle said...

Yes! Aaron is an awesome coach!! I third that comment.

Claire said...

Me, fourth! (coming from his college coaching days)